How an ocular prosthesis is fitted
How to fit an ocular prosthesis
How to remove the prosthesis
To remove the prosthesis, attach the sucker to the front of the prosthesis raising the upper eyelid.

To remove the prosthesis, attach the sucker to the front of the prosthesis raising the upper eyelid.

Once the sucker is attached, gently lift up the prosthesis and move it upwards.

Pull down the lower eyelid and remove the prosthesis from the lower eyelid.

3 Pull down the lower eyelid and remove the prosthesis from the lower eyelid.

How to fit the prosthesis
To fit the prosthesis back in it is not necessary to use the sucker. Take the prosthesis between the thumb and index finger, leaving the upper part of the prosthesis free; raise the upper eyelid and gently slide in the prosthesis beneath it.

4 Per rimettere non è necessario l’uso della ventosa. Prendere la protesi tra il pollice e l’indice, lasciando libera la parte superiore della protesi; alzare la palpebra superiore e far scivolare la protesi al di sotto della stessa.

To position the prosthesis correctly push it upwards with one finger and with the other one pull down the lower eyelid until the prosthesis is completely inserted. Let go of the eyelid.

5 Per posizionare correttamente la protesi spingerla verso l’alto con un dito e con l’altro abbassare la palpebra inferiore fino a che sia inserita completamente. Rilasciare le palpebre.

customized phrostesis
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