Our customised ocular prostheses are the most highly advanced in the international panorama, the fruit of the hundred years’ experience of our laboratory and of the medical innovation which is also enhanced by exchanges with the finest international ocularists and specialists.
We offer a customised path starting with the first visit to a specialist, proceeding with the construction of temporary, made-to-measure prostheses then proceeding along a personalised path accompanied by specialised assistance, also in remote, for every possible need. All for free.
Our expertise at your service
Deriving from our experience of over a hundred years we guarantee an optimal personalisation and quality.

The patient is received by the ophthalmologist together with the director of the technical staff to decide upon the best prosthetic path to be followed.
Patients undergoing the removal of an eye (enucleation/evisceration), or operations for the reconstruction of the eye socket are fitted with temporary prostheses, which will later be replaced with a customised one as soon as the scarring of the eye socket has healed. On patients with an atrophic eye (due to trauma or disease) a temporary prosthesis is fitted, which will later be replaced by a customised one, after the adaptation period which is decided upon by the medical staff.
All of our customised prostheses are made using the traditional French technique of “moulage” (casting/moulding), thanks to our exchanges with international ocularists. The relief of the cast of the socket or of the eye permits us to obtain the maximum adherence between the prosthesis and the socket/eye consenting optimal movement of the prosthesis and the maximum comfort for the patient. All of the irises are hand-painted with three-dimensional colours, reproducing faithfully the collateral eye. The customised ocular prostheses must be fitted approximately two months after the operation in the cases of patients who have had surgery either for the removal of the eye (enucleation or evisceration) or for the reconstruction of the anophthalmic socket. The customised prosthesis is fitted after a period of adaptation, which is personalised and decided upon together with the doctor, in patients with an atrophic eye. The fitting of the made-to-measure prosthesis always takes place in the presence of the doctor and of the director of the technical prosthetic staff.
After the fitting of the customised prosthesis a path of personalised check-ups is decided upon together with the patient and/or the parents of the young patient in order obtain the maximum comfort and the best possible aesthetic outcome. The patient is instructed on the use and maintenance of the prosthesis. All our patients, and parents of patients who are minors, can consult our doctors for free on the phone. We can moreover be reached in the territories of both Rome and Milan.
our method

Professionalità e cortesia sempre! C’è una squadra dietro tutto… davvero Top
Venusia G.

Hanno una lunga esperienza in materia di protesi oculari. sono competenti, gentili e soprattutto convenzionati con le ASL
Alessandra V.

Gentile cordiale e professionale numeri 1 nell’ordine è cortesie
Massimo C.
Request more information
For info and reservations, you can call from 08:00 to 18:00 at the numbers 06.3210718 / 06.3207025. If you come from outside Rome, you can see here the hotels nearly.